Good morning ladies and gentlemen 😉
What economists and engineers have in common is, no doubt: they love numbers.
Our final Exam for here at Jönköping International Business School in numbers:
what has to be learned:
- 30 Pages Market Entry Strategy knowledge about the case studies each group worked out (2 scientific papers ~3000 words each)
- 20 Slides (International Management – Brunninge)
- 25 Slides (Ressource Management and Innovation – Chirico)
- 37 Slides (Networking Abroad -Ramírez Pasillas)
- 300 Precourse multiple choice questions
- 750 pages of „Svend Hollensen Global Marketing a decision oriented approach“ (no kidding ! the whole book!)
how long does the examination take:
- 2nd March 2012 from 8.00-5.00 p.m.
seems to become a short night.