Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Back to IT

Posted: 9th April 2014 by admin in hacking, Technology

To bring this back to live i will try to post more stuff 😉 unless I’m uncertain What the content would Look like ! Okay guy will start With some it projects i did in the. The last thing was getting iswipe to run on iPad 5 with ios 7.0.6 I Adidas hiro theme and […]

Some experimental tries to get the augmented reality thing to work 😀 and no it’s not QR code. NYARToolkit

Kinect Hacks 0.2

Posted: 24th März 2012 by admin in Technology

Good morning ladies and gentlemen 😉 Here we go, next try getting sth out from kinect. Some kind of hybrid solution between my laser tagging projects & video mapping. But today without video projector. Maybe later on i will try the projector interation. Thanks to Pud9y for the processing sketch. Cheers

Video Mapping

Posted: 24th Dezember 2011 by admin in hacking, Technology

Pretty cool technology for visualisation purpose. Good contrast to Lasertagging, but powerfull. Video or projection Mapping is a usefull tool to bring animation to buildings, walls, and so on. Maybe it’s interesting for my Marketing class 😀 [\vimeogallery]

Posted: 17th Dezember 2011 by admin in hacking, Technology

This is the awesome work of GRL Germany. I’m totally impressed about their approach and what they are doing 😀 [\vimeogallery] For running their own video projector they need support at: If you want to try out the software (free Download and Install for non-commercial-use on GRL Lightrider)  

Homeautomation using Arduino Step 1

Posted: 11th Dezember 2011 by admin in Arduino, hacking, Technology

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I started today with a great cheap wireless homeautomation workshop for your xmas light decoration DIY 😀 goal: keep it wireless, keep it open, keep it on iOS and Android I purchased the following items: BOM: SACOM RemoteSwitches „Funksteckdosen“ from Amazon 433 MHz Transmitter Receiver Devices from Ebay Of course […]

Augmented Reality 4.0

Posted: 10th Dezember 2011 by admin in hacking, Technology

Okay for those who think – whats about 3.0 …. -> it’s an innovation so we skip version 3.0 to make it more attractive. Buzzwords for my new tech hobby: projection mapping event, projector Mapping   Some kind of augmented reality – no clue where to implement it – but new item of series  TECHNOLOGY […]

Arduino BT

Posted: 3rd September 2011 by admin in Arduino

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, here we go –>  a new Update concerning wireless data transmission with Arduino 😉 I got a special idea when experimenting with Arduino …. but top secret right now. Just watch the video and make a guess what comes next 😀

Featured Videos of my Youtube Channel

Posted: 30th August 2011 by admin in Arduino


RGB Matrix 64 LEDs

Posted: 29th August 2011 by admin in Arduino, Technology

We built a great RGB Matrix with an arduino and 64 RGB LEDs. It’s working quiet well displaying forms, space invaders, snow, rainbow plasma and everything you can imagine in a size 8×8 😀 What I would highly appreciate: „Just press i like“   😀