Korea 2K12 07

Posted: 25th Juli 2012 by admin in Asia, MBE

Good morning ladies and gents 😉

Changed the country and context from japan to South Korea. The first impression are very curious. Totally different compared to Tokyo. Again hard to describe this in writing just a view lines.

Concerning the cultural program there are much more topics on the agenda compared to Tokyo, that might be the result of the long relationship between „SKK GSB“ and Steinbeis. In Tokyo SCMT was the first year in this particular region of the city.

Okay who cares … what we have done till now in korea is also very impressing i guess.
My personal academic highligth was the lecture of Prof. Pil Hwa Yoo (PhD. from Harvard Business School and at least one year practical experience in Germany).
Even if couldn’t impress him with my anecdote about Machiavelli :-(
(which i stole from KSB of course)
Other lectures focused „How to do business with china“, „Rethinking international marketing“, „Corporate Strategy from an Asian perspective“, „Game theorie“, „Leadership (historic apporach)“ and so on and so forth.
We visited Aurora Company, they are producing plush characters. Very interesting which challenges they are facing in their particular market and in terms of internationalization.

I like korea very much. But the internet availability is so bad that you will get only a view pics and not that many updates as expected.